Apple Country Animal Hospital Blogs
We love educating our clients, that’s why we have curated and shared posts filled with helpful information regarding pet care.
Our Veterinary Blogs
Check out the latest educational articles and tips from the Apple Country Animal Hospital team!
4th of July Pet Safety Tips
4th of July Pet Safety Tips The 4th of July is a fantastic time for all of us, but it can be quite challenging and even dangerous for our beloved furry friends. The loud noises and dazzling lights...
Keeping Your Dog Safe: Essential Tips for a Secure Dog Park Experience
Keeping Your Dog Safe: Essential Tips for a Secure Dog Park Experience When it comes to visiting a dog park, ensuring the safety of your furry friend should be a top priority. Here are four...
Protecting Your Pet from Heatstroke: 5 Essential Tips
Protecting Your Pet from Heatstroke: 5 Essential Tips As the scorching summer days approach, it's crucial to safeguard your beloved furry companion from the dangers of heatstroke. To ensure their...
What You Need to Know About Hot Spots in Your Pet
What You Need to Know About Hot Spots in Your Pet When your beloved pet experiences intense itching that feels like their skin is on fire, they may resort to scratching, licking, and chewing...
Creating a Pet-Friendly Garden: A Comprehensive Guide
Creating a Pet-Friendly Garden: A Comprehensive Guide With the arrival of spring, it's time to embrace the joys of gardening once again! While tending to your garden can be a delightful pastime,...
Tips and Tricks to Prevent Dog Bites
Tips and Tricks to Prevent Dog Bites As a dog owner, it's important to know how to prevent and react to a dog bite. Although you can't guarantee your pet's safety around other animals, there are...
What Are the Most Common Soft Tissue Surgeries in Pets?
What Are the Most Common Soft Tissue Surgeries in Pets? General veterinary hospitals commonly perform a range of surgeries on pets, from simple procedures such as spaying or neutering to ones that...
Coping With Pet Loss
Coping With Pet Loss It can be just as devastating to lose a pet as it is to lose a friend or family member. Pets play a vital role in our lives and are essential family members. Processing...
How To Avoid Pet Hazards When Walking Your Dog
How To Avoid Pet Hazards When Walking Your Dog Celebrate Take a Walk in the Park Day on March 30th with your furry friend, but don’t let hazards ruin a perfect day. Keep your eyes peeled for...
How Dental Disease Affects Your Senior Pet’s Overall Health
How Dental Disease Affects Your Senior Pet’s Overall Health As your furry pal ages, they are faced with many health changes. Their vision dims, their hearing becomes muffled, and their gait becomes...